Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I gave my self a project some months ago to create an image a day using my characters on instagram. I drew a character on cardboard, colour it, cut it out and photograph it somewhere out in the real world. Enough people liked them to make me keep doing them. I ended up with about 85 images in the end. Here are some of my favourites…..

That project has lead to this project BUNKWAA QUEST….. This time i'm going to tell a little story which will unfold each day on instagram. While in the bush i found a beautiful gemstone that seemed to have no place out there. I picked it up, put it in my pocket and took it home. Little did i know it belonged to a village of BUNKWAA characters. With the stone missing the village is in chaos. without it the villagers are helpless. Four unlikely heroes have stepped forward to go on a long journey to reclaim the gemstone!

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